Mix-Mix: The Filipino Adventures of a German Jewish Boy
“Mix-Mix: The Filipino Adventures of a German Jewish Boy” is a captivating coming-of-age play currently showing at Los Angeles Theatre Center in California. The play, based on the real-life experiences of young refugee Ralph Preiss, is a poignant tale that explores themes of resilience, friendship, and survival.
Plot Summary
The story follows 13-year-old Rudy Preissman, who flees Nazi Germany with his family at the tender age of nine to seek safety in the Philippines. However, their peaceful sanctuary is disrupted when Japan invades the islands, leading the family and their Filipino companions to seek refuge in the mystical Mount Banahao.
Production Details
Produced by Latino Theater Company and Playwrights’ Arena, “Mix-Mix” is written by Boni Alvarez and skillfully directed by Jon Lawrence Rivera, a native of Manila. The play features a talented cast including Casey Adler, Alexis Camins, Angelita Esperanza, and more.
Historical Context
The play sheds light on a lesser-known chapter of history when the late President Manuel Quezon extended a helping hand to Jewish refugees escaping the horrors of the Holocaust. Despite challenges, Quezon’s open-door policy welcomed over 1,200 Jewish individuals to the Philippines before the outbreak of World War II.
Cast and Crew
- Casey Adler
- Alexis Camins
- Angelita Esperanza
- Mark Doerr
- Kennedy Kabasares
- Myra Cris Ocenar
- Jill Remez
- Mark McClain Wilson
- Giselle “G” Tongi
Filipino-American actress Giselle “G” Tongi, who portrays a significant role in the play, expressed her gratitude for being part of such a meaningful production that highlights important narratives and deepens her understanding of humanity.