Black Rider Drama Series Receives International Award Nomination
With its captivating storyline and stellar performances, the action-packed drama series “Black Rider” has garnered its first-ever international award nomination. The show has been shortlisted at the 2024 New York Festivals TV and Film Awards in the Entertainment Program: Drama category, showcasing its excellence on a global stage.
Inspiring the Cast and Crew
The nomination has served as a source of inspiration for the main star of the series, Ruru Madrid, known for his role as “Primetime Action Hero.” Madrid expressed his gratitude during a media conference, emphasizing the collective effort put into the show’s success. He highlighted the collaborative spirit among the cast and crew, emphasizing the importance of teamwork in creating impactful action sequences.
“Black Rider” is a high-octane series that intertwines themes of heroism, revenge, justice, and family drama on a grand cinematic scale. Since its premiere in November last year, the show has captivated audiences, dominated ratings, and sparked discussions across various social media platforms.
New Developments in the Series
As the storyline unfolds, viewers can expect more twists and turns in the narrative, with long-held secrets set to be revealed. The introduction of new characters, such as Nimfa portrayed by Angeli Khang, promises to add depth and intrigue to the plot.
Madrid teased about the upcoming episodes, hinting at the arrival of new enemies and unexpected alliances that will test the limits of the protagonist, Elias Guerrero. The series will delve into Bane’s true identity and Nimfa’s pivotal role in Elias’s life, promising a blend of action and romance.
Meet the Cast of “Black Rider”
Joining Ruru Madrid in this thrilling journey are a talented ensemble of actors, including Lianne Valentin, Luke Conde, BJ Forbes, Epy Quizon, and more. The series is helmed by directors Erwin Tagle, Rommel Penesa, and Richard Arellano, ensuring a compelling viewing experience for audiences.
Don’t miss the action-packed episodes of “Black Rider” airing on GMA Prime, with simulcast options and livestreaming available for fans to enjoy the show in real-time. Stay tuned for the unfolding drama and intense confrontations as Elias Guerrero navigates through new challenges and adversaries.