Gangnam B-Side: A Thrilling Crime Drama Coming Soon on Disney+
Plot Summary
Set deep amongst the shadows of the big city lights, “Gangnam B-Side” follows a pariah detective as he’s pulled back into a world of vice, drugs, and corruption following the disappearance of his daughter’s friend. Compelled to do whatever it takes to rescue the latest in a long line of women to go missing in the city’s bustling Gangnam district, the detective will uncover a truth that threatens to topple some of the city’s wealthiest elite.
Cast and Crew
- Starring Jo Woojin as elite officer and shunned detective Kang Dongwoo
- Ji Changwook as back alley enforcer Yoon Gilho
Directed by Park Noori and written by Joo Wongyu.
Other Korean Dramas on Disney+
Fans of Korean storytelling can enjoy other exciting Korean dramas on Disney+, including:
- “The Worst Of Evil” – Starring Ji Changwook as an undercover detective
- “Big Bet” – Starring legendary actor Choi Minsik
- “Moving” – A story about South Korean special agents
Streaming Details
Stream “Gangnam B-Side” later this year exclusively on Disney+.