Marvel Universe Live! is set to bring the epic clash of the world’s most beloved heroes and villains from the Marvel Cinematic Universe to life in an exhilarating stage adaptation. The highly anticipated touring production will be making its way to Manila from June 7 to 16, transforming the SM Mall of Asia Arena into a thrilling battleground where Marvel’s iconic superheroes will unite to defend the universe against evil forces.
Featuring a star-studded lineup of characters including Spider-Man, The Avengers, and the Guardians of the Galaxy – such as Star-Lord, Gamora, Groot, Rocket, and Drax – this legendary battle guarantees non-stop action, heart-pounding thrills, and mind-blowing stunts that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.
Juliette Feld Grossman, the producer of Marvel Universe LIVE!, expressed her excitement for the upcoming production, highlighting the incredible work of the creative team and the exceptional cast in bringing the grandeur of Marvel to life on stage. The show promises to deliver an immersive experience that captures the essence of the Marvel universe like never before.
The storyline of Marvel Universe Live! unfolds as Doctor Strange enlists the help of the Guardians of the Galaxy to combat the villainous Nebula, who forms an alliance with the cunning Loki and the menacing Green Goblin. The likes of Iron Man, Thor, Black Panther, Hulk, and Black Widow come together in epic battles that will test their alliances and loyalties, creating a spectacle that fans won’t want to miss.
Audiences will be taken on a journey across the universe through cutting-edge special effects and immersive video projections, from the mystical Savage Land to the bustling streets of New York City. Spider-Man’s breathtaking aerial maneuvers and Captain America’s daring motorcycle skills will be showcased in a race against time to save humanity from impending doom.
“This production offers families an immersive experience filled with non-stop action, delivering thrills and stunts reminiscent of blockbuster movies that showcase the extraordinary powers of your favorite superheroes right before your eyes,” Grossman emphasized, underlining the show’s commitment to providing an unforgettable experience for fans of all ages.
Tickets for Marvel Universe LIVE! are set to go on sale starting March 20, available for purchase through the SM Tickets platform at and various nationwide outlets. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this epic showdown between good and evil, as Marvel’s legendary characters come to life in a spectacular live production that promises to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.